”OMM”. the visionary, the market maker

Even less than a decade ago, it was incomprehensible to import and market  consumer products, marketed by Multinational products, in India. This market was closed for business and vehemently so. Layers of restrictive import regulations were stacked, incased by semi-socialist and protectionist bureaucracy with a fortress mentality.

These policies were impossible to circumvent, unfolding into lucrative and flourishing trans border smuggling operations in much sought after, foreign-made goods of all denominations.

However belated, this country of over one billion people ( between 75 to 90 million middle class consumers ), driven by its own compelling macro-economic logarithm, finally opted to become a signatory to WTO charter. Consequently, by default, it had to open up it creaky doors, at the conclusion Uruguay Round of Talks. We at OMM could hear the inviting sound of the opening doors and sensed the urgency to claim the first-mover-advantage, well in accordance with the principles of the Risk and Reward theory. With full benefit of the hindsight, we are extremely proud of our pioneering undertaking – hence the birthing and incubation of OMM.

